
The Ulyanovsk Region Will Produce Blades for Wind Turbines

19 Aug 2016 The Ulyanovsk region government today announced going into business with Chineese company Dongfang Electric Wind Power Co., Ltd (DEW). The cooperation for establishment of wind turbine blade production in the region will be held within the project for construction of 35 MW wind farm.

This Thursday the Memorandum of Understanding to that end was signed by Chen Jun, President and CEO of DEW, Sergey Vasin, CEO of Ulyanovsk Region Development Corporation and Andrey Redkin, CEO of ULNANOTECH. The signing ceremony of MOU was held in the presence of Sergey Morozov, Acting Governor of the Ulyanovsk region, Andrey Pokhozhaev, managing director of RUSNANO Management Company, LLC, and representatives of Sichuan Provincial Energy Administration (China) and Fortum Company. 

It is expected that the first large-size wholesale wind farm in Russia will appear in the Ulyanovsk region. The output capacity of its first stage will be 35 MW and further will increase to 350 MW. The project is being implemented by Fortum Energy Company. Ulyanovsk Nanocenter ULNANOTECH is an integrator of the project and focuses on creation of a full production chain for manufacturing of wind turbines.  

As the blades of modern wind turbines are of enormous size – more than 50 meters, their manufacturing should be located close to the site of a future power station. Therefore, the region plans to start production of towers, blades, electrical components, and protective coatings. 

In line with the Memorandum, DEW Company will deliver technology, localization and technical support for creation of wind turbine blade production in the Ulyanovsk region. It is expected that final terms and conditions of the cooperation will be agreed in three months. Ulyanovsk Nanocenter plans to sign similar agreements with other manufacturers of wind turbine components.

“The goal we set up is quite simple – by the year 2025 one third of consumed energy should be produced by renewable resources. By now, we are the only region in Russia to have set such a challenge. Our region gives special attention to renewable energy and we have an opportunity to make a successful start of mutually beneficial cooperation with Dongfang and Fortum in localization of production of wind turbine components.  I will be personally responsible for this project implementation”, said Sergey Morozov.

 “We are confident in achievement of excellent results in the cooperation with the Nanocenter, because Dongfang owns state of the art technologies for this product, and cooperation with the Nanocenter is only the start which can serve as a platform for us to develop throughout Russia. I would like to say that the Ulyanovsk region has created a congenial investment climate. And we are glad and ready to  cooperate with you and implement joint projects in other spheres as well,” said Lei Kaiping, Vice President of Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission and Director of Sichuan Provincial Energy Administration  (China). 

“Signing of the Memorandum with DEW is an important step for the Ulyanovsk region. The region has learned to attract investors and is doing it purposefully, creating a new wind energy market, not existed before. We intend to conclude the number of agreements with major companies in production of equipment for wind power generation. The next step is selection of a regional partner, which will focus on preparation of a wind turbine production site,” said Andrey Redkin.  

He reminded that in accordance with the decree of the government of the Russian Federation and requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which regulate the renewable energy market, most of the components and basic materials are to be produced in Russia. The agreement with DEW provides for blades production localization exactly in the territory of the region.

The regional government is ready to provide the project with all necessary support and considers it as the project of special importance with provision of incentives and benefits. 

In his turn, Andrey Pokhozhaev, managing director of RUSNANO Management Company mentioned that RUSNANO group is interested in participation in localization of wind turbine components production.

“We are planning to spend 1 billion rubles for this purpose. Furthermore, RUSNANO is considering the possibilities of participation in construction of wind farms,” he added.  



DONGFANG ELECTRIC CORPORATION (DEC) is a Chinese state-owned leading company specialized in power equipment manufacturing, founded 50 years ago. 

It implements “turnkey” projects in the field of nuclear generation, hydro generation, thermal generation, gas generation and alternative energy.  Annual volume of installed capacity of DEC projects is 37, 000 MW (per year). Currently DEC equipment is working in more than 60 countries around the world. According to Engineering News Record (ENR), DEC for many years, occupies a leading place among the 250 largest international contractors. The headquarter is situated in Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province.

The company comprises about 40 enterprises, which produce components for energy equipment, perform research and development, design, installation and maintenance work.

DONGFANG ELECTRIC WIND COMPANY LIMITED (DEW) is DEC subdivision which is among five largest producers of wind power equipment of China. The company is the winner of Fortum, JSC competition  to supply equipment for 35 MW  wind farm in Ulyanovsk. Previously by the order of Fortum, the company delivered about 100 wind turbines for Blaiken wind farm in Sweden.

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